In today’s world, people love to share everything on social media. At our family law firm in Marietta GA, we often see how what a spouse or witness has posted on a social media site may affect the outcome of a family law case. So everyone should be extremely careful of posting anything on a social media site, particularly if one is going through a divorce, child custody battle, modification or other family law case.
Privacy issues with social media also extend to divorce cases. This is because people are tempted to post potentially damaging statements online due to being in an emotional state.
Social media and privacy
Even though social media usage has grown tremendously over the years since its inception, many people believe incorrectly that the information they post to it is able to be kept private based on certain privacy settings. They are led to believe that if they have certain privacy settings that only the people they share with see it. However, this is not true and with the right tools and expertise, anyone can access what you share. Plus, many social media websites have it in their terms that your content is not yours to own and it is not private. This means you don’t own the content you share.
Divorce and social media
Privacy issues with social media also extend to divorce cases. This is because people are tempted to post potentially damaging statements online due to being in an emotional state. A lot of people turn to Facebook and other popular sites to vent out their frustrations or to seek out advice from their friends. Postings can easily be found, saved and eventually those statements and posts will be brought into the courtroom. This can reduce your chances of having a successful outcome in your case. In fact, it can affect everything from child custody to your division of property.
Affairs and social media
Divorce lawyers often gather evidence of infidelity as to the other spouse. However, these days it is easy for them to do this thanks to social media. Potential lovers may be on a spouse’s friends list, and there may be photos posted, locations a spouse has visited and other damaging information. In short, a good divorce attorney can use social media to find out if a spouse was lying about certain activities, which can only help their client.
As you can see, people love to share all kinds of information on social media. They may share info that they never intended to become public, but it becomes public anyway. This is why you should have the mindset that anything you put on the internet may end up in the courtroom one day, especially if you go through a divorce. The key is to not post anything relating to your spouse, your situation or your divorce.
Contact our law firm if you are going through a divorce. Nobody’s situation is the same, and different cases require different strategies. Speak with us today and we will be more than happy to assist you and to help you get through your divorce. We will also provide you with a quote for our services.