Ending your marriage can be a difficult process. This guide aims to provide a clear path through the steps involved in the divorce process and your personal life during this major life change. 1. Begin the process with the knowledge you need. Before you start the...
My ex did not do what was ordered in my divorce. Can I sue in Georgia?
You went through the divorce process in Georgia. You were awarded child support, or alimony, or property. Your ex failed to pay or your ex did not transfer the property you were awarded. What can you do? As a general rule, a motion for contempt must be brought in the...
Divorce can be an overall positive for the kids
People in Georgia who are considering divorce will often hesitate because of the perception that it will be a negative for their children. However, that is not always so. Understanding when it could be beneficial for children to end the troubled marriage can be...
Art collections during divorce
Married Georgia residents with significant art collections should take steps to protect their collections in case they get divorced. No one wants to think they might end up divorcing, but the statistics don't lie. You may face divorce at some point in the future. Art...
Concealing marital assets in the modern age
High net-worth divorces are high-stakes matters with significantly valuable assets at stake. Dividing property presents significant challenges for everyone involved. Even more complexities arise when one spouse fails to disclose everything they have. Financial fraud...
Is it time to get that divorce in Georgia?
Divorce is a serious life decision that should not be taken lightly. If you're considering divorce, you may be wondering whether you're making the right move. There are common reasons why people seek divorce. Physical or emotional abuse If you're a victim of physical...
Determining custody and parenting time in divorce
Back in the days when the nuclear family reigned supreme and divorce was only discussed in hushed tones, custody of a couple's children in Georgia was almost always given to the mother. The idea behind that practice was that children needed their mothers more than...
Why should you avoid social media during a divorce?
Couples divorcing in Georgia may have a difficult time if their split is contentious. Posting on social media is something that’s an immediate response for many people, but this is a mistake. It’s best to avoid social media during a divorce, but if a person still uses...
Protecting your real estate assets in divorce
If you are going through a divorce in Georgia, it is important to take steps to protect your real estate portfolio. This may seem like a daunting task, but with the right information and planning, you can do it. Establish a domestic asset protection trust This type of...
When do you need to get an attorney involved in your divorce?
Divorce can always be stressful, but some can be more complex. If you and your spouse have decided to call it quits in Georgia, you might want to know if you should involve an attorney. There are certain situations that can make things easier when you have legal...